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Enhance your satisfaction and quality of life - from the approach of your health. Celebrate who you are! Increase your love and appreciation for yourself and your body by spending 3 months revitalizing yourself - uncensored!

Join me for a 3-month ceremony, where you will be guided through your deep blockages and emerge with clarity of self, power, and full self-acceptance.  

This is the space for raw, unapologetic, and unbridled truth. 

Build your relationship with yourself on a foundation of balance and your fuck-yes. 

A sacred union between the longings of your soul and rooting them into action. 


An uncensored look at the underpinnings of who you are, and how you self-sabotage. 


Initiate your original nature

Actuate your hearts desires 

Un-condition yourself



Does this sound like you, wild one?

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The biggest problem many of us face is accessing our inner wisdom. We tend to outsource our power and in doing so we push ourselves further from who we are. Regarding our health, we settle, we suffer, and we say that we are “fine.” Society sets a standard performance expectancy for us, and it is unrealistic but no one wants to admit it. 


Have you been drinking the green juice, putting in the steps, and still unable to lose weight? You’ve taken melatonin and you set 3 alarms, but still can’t wake up and feel exhausted all day? Does life seem all right for a little while, and then fall apart out of nowhere? Trends, fad diets, tricks, and lifestyle hacks don’t work. You need a unique-to-you celebration of self, a ceremony of life and health. You need an uncensored look at yourself


My work is a deeply transformative process that will ask you hard questions and demand honest answers. We will deep dive into your cells and the program your body is running. Through story and mapping the mythic, we will find lost parts of you and where it is they have been hiding. To access this level of personal power, you must experience initiation, a quest, if you will, of truth. This work is part shamanic, part scientific, part ancestral, and very much a bone memory. 


You’re not getting a step-by-step guide to what you are supposed to be. 


This is for those who fly with their own wings remembering their sovereignty and awakening to their intuitive gifts. For the wild one waiting for the “right time” to unlock their genius and step out as an embodied leader. 


This is your time

Look at the way the world is changing.


You're becoming your own source of guidance, clarity, and information that far exceeds the impact of conforming to the status quo. 

There has got to be a better way of being human, of being you.

You are here to take part in creating a better world, and open your hands to shape the creations hidden in your heart.

3- months of Uncensored Health includes: 


  • 8 x 1:1 extended sessions

  • An attunement process that I’ve used in 100+ client sessions

  • Notes from each session

  • Personalized nutrition support

  • Tools to use when you hit a limit or energetic block

  • Radical clarity on your most potent and powerful next action

  • Bonus materials to support your journey

  • The ability to be the source of your own answers for anything YOU related

  • Access to a supportive and spirited group environment to remind you we’re all just learning and doing our best

  • VIP access to discounts and early access to offerings


​We feast upon:

  • A new paradigm of finding your way that doesn’t feel like self-help

  • Discovering your monsters so you can run things in your world

  • Blending structure and systems with ceremony and your cycle*, so you can love living life rather than feel it is killing you. 

  • Alchemizing your weaknesses into your superpowers

  • Celebrating your uniqueness and nurturing it by ditching the traditional societal stories. 

  • Explore self-sabotage, and any fears cockblocking you from becoming the author of your old, outdated BS stories holding you back

  • Connecting to your inner voice, vision, and message

  • and so much more…

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​Treatment may include a combination of the following:

  • Nutrition & dietary support

  • Microbiome (gut) reset

  • Alternative pain management techniques**

  • Trance sessions

  • Nervous system balancing

  • Stone readings

  • Energetic &/or Biophyiscal therapy

  • Clarity sessions

  • Trauma/PTSD sessions

  • Soul retrieval


**Alternative pain management techniques will not contraindicate your healthcare providers recommendations or treatment plans. There will be no prescriptions or substances offered here, as this is a holsitic and alternative method for specific cases. 


Pay in full 1 x $2,997

40% discount

Payment plan $5,000 paid in full by end of 3 months

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